A House in the Dune Universe refer to dynastic seat of power, sometimes limited to a single world and sometimes spanning several worlds. Numerous Houses existed within the hierarchy of the Imperium. Collectively they formed the landsraad, which was governed by the High Council. Houses could be differentiated into Houses Major and Houses Minor.
Each House usually maintained their base of operations on a specific planet – typically their ancestral home. Banished Houses were exiled to Tupile. Banishment was usually decreed by the Emperor, or by a ruling of the Landsraad. This would usually occur because the House in question did not follow the Great Convention, for example, employing atomics against peoples.
Not surprisingly, some Houses possessed more power and influence than others. Some possessed enough power to rule entire planets. These were known as Great Houses, Major Houses, or Families. It was from one of these Houses that control of the Imperium, the realm of the Known Universe, was maintained. For more than 10,000 Standard Years, the Imperium was ruled by House Corrino.
As a consequence of this framework, there was constant plotting between Houses, and on occasion two or more Houses would form an alliance to thwart or destroy a mutually rival House.
Titles for the heads of Great Houses were usually Duke, Viscount, Count, Baron, or Archduke. Collectively, the Great Houses decided matters among themselves through the High Council, which was overseen by the Emperor. Great Houses also maintained a stake in CHOAM through the Landsraad.
Minor Houses, or the Richece, were aristocratic dynasties that were largely planet-bound. They did not rule planets but were regarded as nobility nonetheless, either through bloodlines or through the accumulation of wealth. They also enjoyed a small vote on the Landsraad Council. Houses Minor were frequently guests in the dining halls and entertainment events of Great Houses.
Presumably, Houses Minor would be found in large numbers on planets with strong trade or planets where the Great Houses ruling them maintained large extended families. Some Houses Minor were more famous than others, depending on the items they were known to trade.
During the imperial reign of Paul Atreides, very little was revealed about the fate of the Great Houses. It was believed that the majority of them managed to maintain their status, provided that they recognised Atreides ascension to the Golden Lion Throne. Some, however, appeared to fall under the Fremen Jihad that swept the universe after Paul’s ascension.
Leto II
Shortly into his reign, Leto II dissolved the Landsraad. During the 3500 years that Leto ruled the Empire, many of the Great Houses had disappeared, since Leto’s control over space travel and monopoly on melange meant that trade and political maneuvering was virtually impossible. Particularly in the last 1000 years of Leto’s reign, the Great Houses experienced a significant downturn. Though he permitted them to exist, Leto regarded the remaining Great Houses as “degenerate”.
In one Bene Gesserit reporting period just prior to Leto’s death, 31 Great Houses experienced complete economic collapse. Of these 31, six managed to maintain House Minor Status through heavy investment in the Star Jewel Project and diversified investment portfolios.
It was also during this time that the fees charged by the Bene Gesserit for the schooling of Great House females were doubled.
The Scattering
In the 1500 years after Leto’s death, it appeared that some Great Houses continued to exist, and some of them managed to re-emerge and reaccumulate power and wealth to some degree. This was possibly because the lack of a central power figure and rigid structure in the Old Imperium had left a power vacuum.
List of Houses
Most of the named Houses are named the Dune Encyclopedia and so are non-canon.
House Major

- House Abefor
- House Ableman
- House Abraham
- House Afanan
- House al-Qair
- House Albonite
- House Alexin
- House Alman
- House Amminadab
- House Andersson
- House Atreides
- House at-Tam
- House B’ganne
- House Bagrationi
- House Balanescu
- House Barlevin
- House Beakkal
- House Bendau
- House Beskid
- House Borgoi
- Boro family
- House Bourbon
- House Bromeli
- House Burgerich

- House Canidar
- House Carnethian
- House Cephalus
- House Ceres
- House Chelly
- House Chinognia
- House Chlemnik
- House Chulian
- House Clanriearde
- House Corbin
- House Corrino
- House Costino
- House D’arthanna
- House Dardan
- House Daryai
- House De Gaulle
- House Delambre
- House Demavend
- House Destrym
- House Dioscuri
- House Djordjevic
- House Dupleix
- House Dyvetz
- House Ecaz
- House Edomdred
- House Elioz
- House Elstun
- House Emar
- House Est
- House Estilon
- House Evon
- House Euterpe
- House Ezharian
- House Fazeel
- House Fidbolgs
- House Forbino
- House Galloway
- House Genissai
- House Ghandi
- House Ginaz
- House Gregorian
- House Guilford

- House Hagal
- House Hajns
- House Harkonnen
- House Heiron
- House Hemming
- House Herzog
- House Hiirak
- House Hirado
- House Hybla
- House Iasi
- House Ichihara
- House Igal
- House Isfahan
- House Isonzo
- House Ispartha
- House Istaivan
- House Jaederan
- House Jansine
- House Jeiil
- House Jerodme
- House Jungius
- House Kaastar
- House Kalifi
- House Kemic
- House Khumali
- House Kio
- House Kyzyl
- House Lassoki
- House Latzko
- House Lexander
- House Lidoping
- House Lompok
- House Lonsle
- House Ludvonsa
- House Lynwyck
- House Malmusetz
- House Mandervold
- House Maros
- House Masjed
- House Masudi
- House McNaught
- House Medvedev
- House Megara
- House Melui
- House Menemtahe
- House Metulli
- House Meyerwal
- House Mikarrol
- House Molay
- House Moritilai
- House Moritani
- House Morotai
- House Muratorni
- House Mustami
- House Mutelli
- House Mwami
- House Nebiro
- House Ngara
- House Nicolpri
- House Niembach
- House Nippon
- House Noabar
- House Novebruns
- House O’Garee
- House Olin
- House Opheiion
- House Ordos
- House Orzaba
- House Ossian
- House Paligo
- House Paluna
- House Papshvili
- House Parakrama-hu
- House Pardee
- House Pastran
- House Penchi
- House Phyfe
- House Pibeseth
- House Pinang
- House Plana
- House Polotsvi
- House Qaii
- House Raicnur
- House Rautha
- House Reginaud
- House Rejani
- House Rembo
- House Revs
- House Rhibera
- House Rhylme
- House Richese
- House Samarama
- House Sarda
- House Sarobella
- House Shahrukh
- House Sheay
- House Shi-Lang
- House Sikcunri
- House Sor
- House Spokan
- House Steel
- House Sulaimani
- House Surakarta
- House Szmigiel
- House Taligari
- House Tantor
- House Teranos
- House Thorgod
- House Thorvald
- House Tiiopa’it
- House Tipnear
- House Tleilax
- House Togramah
- House Tombe
- House Tonnerburg
- House Tseida
- House Ttoenne
- House Ul-Haq
- House Varota
- House Venette
- House Vernius
- House Vico
- House Vidal
- House Villish
- House Vitt
- House Wallach
- House Washington
- House Wayku
- House Wikkheiset
- House Windsor
- House Xingus
- House Xitan
- House Yasu
- House Yuzovka
- House Zalmunna
- House Zedong
House Minor
- House Chula
- House Fenring
- House Halleck
- House Holtzmann
- House Jongleur
- House Keys
- House Lucifera
- House Miche
- House Nebiro
- House Pardee
- House Rabban
- House of Shi-lang
- House Varrik
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